Monday, March 28, 2011

Spring Break: Virginia

It's 9:34am and I'm still in bed.  

I've been awake for some time but I just haven't gotten the energy to get out of bed after so many hours of traveling yesterday, concluded by a 1am arrival back here at home.

After months of eager anticipation, Leni and I jumped a plane early this past Thursday morning.  Destination?  Charlottesville, Virginia; the home of my best friend, Janelle.

This was to be a particularly fun trip because Leni was on the roster this time.  I've been visiting Virginia every 1 or 2 years for the last decade and in the 5 years I've known Leni, this is the first trip for which he'd been able to join me.  Additionally, I was going to meet a young man that has become particularly important in Janelle's life lately :)

We definitely made the most out of every minute of the trip, jammed a lot in, and had a blast.  We ate at some fantastic restaurants, did some beautiful hiking in Shenandoah National Park, watched Janelle and Thomas finish a 10 mile race, saw some other old friends, toured wine/brewery country, visited with Janelle's family, and did a little walking around Washington DC (Leni had never been before).

We took way too many pics to post.  You can either see them on my Facebook account or here.  

Many thanks go to Janelle for being an excellent host and planner for this trip.  Can't wait to see you guys again!

Leni, Maggie, Janelle, Thomas
Seriously though...go check out those pictures.  They're awesome.

Keep It Real!

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